Sunday, February 20, 2011

Bye OHS. :(

Most of my friends know, but not all...
This summer we're moving back to elmhurst........

Which means i'll be an hour away from my Kelsey. :(. Hopefully we will find a way to make this work. :).

The rest of this year is going to suck... :(.

Megawacko 2.1 - Abandon All Ships

1 comment:

  1. Ricky I'm sorry you have to move away from your friends.I'm sure Kelsey will understand but you can talk/text her daily plus maybe you can drive down to see her.You can always rant to me how you feel because I always tell you about my screwed up life,it will get better for you ,me not so sure.Some days I just see no point in going on.Like now I don't know what to do we could lose everything :(


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